Black & Published

REWIND: The 14-Year Journey with Mbinguni

January 03, 2023 Nikesha Elise Williams

In this debut episode of Black & Published, Nikesha is speaking with author, Mbinguni, about her debut novel, Looking for Hope. Mbinguni is a natural storyteller with roots in West Africa and the Gullah-Geechee region of Georgia's barrier islands. Her novel, Looking for Hope, follows the life of young Hannah "Mouse" Maynard in this coming of age tale where Mouse transforms from a shy, quiet, girl into a strong assertive woman. 

Through the course of the conversation, Mbinguni reveals why it took her 14 years to tell the story of Mouse,  how she overcame her own insecurities to finally take the leap of her dreams, what made her to decide with an independent publishing company or "vanity press," and why in everything she does she wants to make sure it is done in a spirit of excellence, as she leads with love. 

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